DEF Marine

DEF Marine is your fire safety expert for the maritime sector. With its recognised expertise, the company provides fire protection for military ships, green transport vessels and wind farms. Its tailor-made, global solutions are designed to protect ships, sailors and passengers.

Over 30 years of experience

DEF Marine is the DEF Network entity specialising in the maritime sector. We offer DEF products, renowned for their quality and reliability in detecting, warning about and extinguishing fires. Our innovative technologies ensure the longevity of your fire detection, extinguishing and information centralisation systems. Our tailor-made solutions can be adapted to your projects, whatever their type or size.

Contact us

DEF Marine
ZAC Pentecôte, 10 rue Jean Rouxel, 44700 Orvault.

Tel (+33) 2 40 44 28 28
DEF – Discover our solutions for boats and submarines.

Our certifications.

  • AFAQ: ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001
  • APSAD: I7, F7, I. F13, D2
  • NF, MED, BV, DNV

Our sectors of activity

  • Military ships
  • Wind turbine platforms
  • Green transport vessels

Contact DEF Marine

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