DEF Énergie

France, Europe

Fire detection, Temporary detection, Gas detection,
Security public address system, Gas extinguishing, Water extinguishing,
Project, Maintenance, Training

DEF Énergie is your expert in fire safety systems for the energy sector. The company offers a comprehensive range of solutions to guarantee fire safety for your infrastructures (thermal and nuclear power stations, waste centres, hydrogen production, etc.) and manage the multiple risks of fire/explosion.

360° expertise in fire safety

DEF Energie is DEF Network’s expert in fire safety for industrial applications related to energy and the environment. We offer DEF products, renowned for their quality and reliability in detecting, warning about and extinguishing fires. Our tailor-made products are adapted to the specific needs of our business sectors. Our turnkey solutions, combined with our range of services before, during and after your project, guarantee peace of mind for your installations.

Contact us

DEF Énergie
PA du Moulin de Massy, 39 rue du Saule Trapu, 91300 MASSY

Tel (+33) 1 60 13 81 79


Our certifications.

  • NF
  • EN
  • CE
  • VdS
  • F’Gaz
  • Ex
  • Qualdion
  • Cefri
  • LPCB
  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001

Our sectors of activity

  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Nuclear

Contact DEF Energie

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