DEF Italia
Fire detection, Temporary detection, Gas detection,
Mechanical smoke extraction, Security public address system, Video surveillance,
Project, Maintenance, Training
DEF Italia is your Italian expert in fire safety systems. The company offers tailor-made fire safety solutions for all types of project, whatever their complexity, size or sector of activity. The aim is to protect people and property.
Over 30 years of experience
DEF Italia is the DEF Network’s Italian fire safety expert. We offer DEF products, renowned for their quality and reliability in detecting, warning about and extinguishing fires. The products are adapted to the Italian market. In addition to our range of equipment, we offer local services to support you before, during and after the completion of your project.
Contact us
DEF Italy
Sede di Legnano 2, Via P. Picasso, 30/32, 20025 Legnano (MI) Italy
Tel (+39) 3 31 74 23 01
Our certifications
- ISO9001
- ISO14001
- ISO45001
Our sectors of activity
- Culture and education
- Administration
- Commerce
- Leisure
- Health
- Sensitive sites: airports, data centres, military sites, industrial sites…
- Tertiary: office buildings, banks…