Royaume Uni

Fire detection, Temporary detection, Gas detection,
Gas extinguishing, Water extinguishing, Project,
Maintenance, Training

DEF UK is your fire safety systems expert in the United Kingdom. The company offers comprehensive fire safety solutions for all types of project, whatever their complexity, size or sector of activity, to protect people and property.

Over 5 years of experience

DEF UK is the UK fire safety expert for the DEF Network. We offer DEF products, renowned for their quality and reliability in detecting, warning about and extinguishing fires. The products are adapted to the English market. Our wide range of state-of-the-art solutions, combined with a comprehensive service offering, gives you peace of mind regarding your installations throughout the UK.

Contact us

3 Buckingham Court Woodlands Bradley Stoke BS32 4NF – United Kingdom

Tel (+216) 071 961 781


Our certifications

  • ISO 9001
  • BAFE (SP203-1)
  • FSQS121

Our sectors of activity

  • Nuclear
  • Defence
  • Oil & Gas
  • Infrastructure
  • Data Centers

Contact DEF UK

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