
France, Europe

Video surveillance

Digisys is your expert in digital security solutions. The company protects your transport infrastructures, shopping centres and sensitive sites from the risks of intrusion, theft and malicious damage with a complete digital solution.

Over 20 years of experience in electronic security

DigiSys is a DEF Network expert in electronic security. We offer a customised solution based on a range of high-performance software and interfaces to protect your buildings. Our highly qualified team will support you with solution development, consultancy, training, support and maintenance.


Contact us

Toulon and Saint-Aubin, France


67 Avenue Irène et Jean Frédéric Joliot Curie, ZI Toulon Est, 83130 La Garde

+33 (0) 4 94 75 83 83


Our areas of action

  • Transport
  • Industries and sensitive sites
  • Tertiary and retail

Contact Digysis

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