

Water extinguishing

PROFOG is your water mist extinguishing expert. The company offers tailor-made water-mist extinguishing and control solutions. This easy-to-use, cost-effective technique protects your car parks, data centres and lithium ion batteries from fire without damaging them.

Over 20 years of experience

PROFOG is the DEF Network’s water mist extinguishing expert. Combining the agility of an SME with the strength of an international network, PROFOG, a water mist specialist since 1998, provides you with complete fire protection solutions. Our teams will support you throughout the life cycle of your installation, from design to maintenance.

Our installations protect DATA Centers, covered car parks, offshore platforms, public buildings, high-rise buildings, industries and food-processing industries, generator sets, transformers….

Our purpose: ensuring your protection and the continuity of your business.

Contact us

4 Bis rue Jean-Baptiste MARCET, 44570 Trignac
41 Rue du saule Trapu, ZAC du Moulin, 91300 Massy, France
350 rue Guillibert de la Lauzière, Parc du Golf, Bâtiment 23-25, 13856 Aix en Provence.

Tel (+33) 2 40 66 60 20


Our services

Our expert teams audit, design, manufacture and deliver turnkey extinguishing solutions.

  • Audit
  • Design study
  • Installation and site supervision
  • Commissioning
  • User training
  • Maintenance
  • Actual tests

We have three branches in France: Massy, Aix en Provence and Trignac.

Our certifications


Our sectors of activity

  • Data center
  • Science, energy
  • Transport
  • Marine
  • Industry

Contact PROFOG

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