Electronic security

The electronic security of your installations complements fire safety, helping you to combat the risks of intrusion and malevolence on your premises.

Expertise to protect you against the risks of intrusion and malicious intent

Video surveillance cameras guarantee the safety of property, buildings and people. They are being used more and more in response to the increase in attacks and malicious acts.

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Access control makes it possible to determine who, when and where an individual is authorised to enter an area or not. The main objective is to protect people, property and company data from intrusions and malicious acts.

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As a complement to fire safety, security protects your building against malicious acts by people (attacks, damage, theft, etc.).

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01 Video surveillance

Video surveillance cameras guarantee the safety of property, buildings and people. They are being used more and more in response to the increase in attacks and malicious acts.

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02 Access control

03 Security

DEF Sûreté


Expert in electronic security solutions
Tel (+ 33) 1 64 47 90 10

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Expert en vidéosurveillance et sécurité électronique


France, Europe

Expert in electronic security solutions
Tel : +33 (0)4 94 75 83 83

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