Fire safety in

Industrial premises pose a significant risk of fire and explosion, with catastrophic human, material, and environmental consequences. Fire prevention is therefore a top priority, even beyond simple regulatory compliance.

In France, the most dangerous industrial establishments are subject to ICPE regulations (Installations classified for the protection of the environment).

Other industrial sites, associated with a major risk and requiring significant prevention, are covered by the European directive known as “SEVESO 3.”

Just because a site is not classified does not mean it does not pose a danger. Beyond the laws, insurers themselves require the implementation of a robust strategy to guarantee the safety of people and the preservation of property and buildings.

Assess the risks

The first step in developing a fire detection system is to conduct a comprehensive audit to assess the risks (fire, explosion, and toxic gas emissions) in hazardous areas. This study allows for an assessment of the preventive measures to be implemented.

Detect the start of a fire anywhere, anytime

Detect the start of a fire early

To minimize the human and material consequences, it is essential to detect the onset of an incident as early as possible. Automatic smoke detection and gas detection systems must be installed to monitor high-risk areas (engine rooms, storage rooms, IT areas, hot spots, ATEX zones, etc.).

Contact your DEF fire detection expert

Maintain detection at all costs during work

Since detection is the first component of a fire safety system, it is essential that it be maintained even during work in the factory. Therefore, during construction sites requiring the existing system to be disconnected, temporary fire detection can be considered to compensate during this period.

Contact your FIREMOB temporary fire detection expert

Need to detect any gas leaks in your factory? Discover DEF solutions

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Limit the spread of fire with
smoke extraction

Mandatory, smoke extraction allows the release of hot smoke and toxic gases associated with the start of a fire. This extraction is particularly important in industrial settings, as it prevents the spread of flames to nearby sensitive areas, which could cause a chain reaction and further destroy equipment.

Contact your DMF smoke extraction expert

Put out the fire before it destroys

In the industrial sector, damage caused by fire can be catastrophic. In fact, 70% of businesses permanently close their operations after a disaster. Therefore, it’s important to control a fire as soon as it’s detected. An automatic fire extinguishing system can extinguish flames or limit the spread of the fire before emergency services arrive.

Automatic fire suppression systems using gas or water mist are particularly suited for fragile infrastructures, allowing for a quick recovery of operations after a disaster.

Contact your gas detection expert DEF

Contact your water mist suppression expert PROFOG

Train your staff as the first line of defense

As they handle hazardous substances on a daily basis, personnel must be trained and made aware of fire risks. The goal: to minimize human error as much as possible.

They must also be familiar with the best practices to adopt and the emergency procedures to follow in the event of an incident. Finally, they must be trained in the proper use of fire-fighting equipment.

Contact your training expert OFC

Regularly check your installations through maintenance

Industries are subject to annual inspections to ensure that installations comply with fire safety standards and that equipment is in good working condition. At the same time, it is essential to carry out regular inspections, through a maintenance service, once or twice a year.

Contact your maintenance expert DEF

Protecting Against Malicious Acts

Although 60% of fires are of technical origin, industries must protect themselves against any risk of malicious activity and carefully monitor the identity of individuals present in their premises.

  • Access should be restricted to authorized personnel only, and therefore managed by an access control.
  • The exterior of the buildings can also be monitored through a network of video surveillance cameras.

Contact your DEF SURETE expert

Hypervision of systems to control everything

Since the security and safety system in an industry is complex and requires several installations, hypervision of systems allows all the equipment to be brought together in a single interface in order to have a global vision of the situation and react as quickly as possible to an incident.

Fire safety in industries in brief

Industrial premises are particularly high-risk, and legislation requires the implementation of several systems to combat fires:

  • Automatic fire detection
  • Automatic gas detection
  • Smoke extraction
  • Staff training
  • System maintenance
  • Access control

The fire safety system can be complemented by the following devices to meet insurance requirements and, above all, minimize the risks of damage to the premises:

  • Temporary fire detection during construction work
  • Automatic gas fire suppression
  • Automatic water mist fire suppression
  • Video surveillance
  • System hypervision

Réseau DEF, at your side for your fire safety projects

For over 60 years, Réseau DEF has supported numerous industries in their fire safety projects, whether simple or complex. We work from risk analysis to system implementation and maintenance.
The network’s 60+ companies are all experts in a specific field of fire safety and work together to offer you comprehensive solutions tailored to your industry and projects. Discover the experts in your country