Fire safety
in the transport sector

Train stations, underground structures, and airports are areas where fire risks are particularly high (transport of flammable materials, malicious acts, hot spots, etc.). A fire safety system is essential, especially since these transit areas accommodate many travelers who must be protected.

Fire safety in underground structures


In France, a regulatory distinction is made between road tunnels, railway tunnels, and tunnels dedicated to public transportation (subway, RER, etc.).

Each presents significant risks to passenger safety due to their underground configuration. Safety thus aims at three objectives:

  • Ensuring the safety of users during evacuation,
  • Ensuring the safety of emergency services,
  • Protecting any nearby or surface structures in the event of a collapse.


Fire detection

The fire detection required in long tunnels

An automatic detection system (link to the “fire detection expertise” page) is mandatory in road tunnels longer than 300 meters that meet the following two conditions:

  • There is no permanent human surveillance,
  • The fire ventilation system is not the same as the one used in the case of heavy pollution in the tunnel.

Contact your fire detection expert DEF

Smoke extraction

The smoke extraction required for user safety

Smoke and toxic gases being the primary cause of death during a fire, they are particularly dangerous when a fire breaks out in a tunnel. That’s why it is mandatory to install a specific ventilation system for the evacuation of smoke and gases.

The installation of a mechanical smoke extraction system is also mandatory in railway tunnels connected to an underground station (for example, metros) and road tunnels longer than 300 meters.

Contact your smoke extraction expert DMF

Water extinguishing

Automatic fire suppression in addition to manual suppression

Although it is not required by regulations, an automatic fire suppression system using water mist within a tunnel can complement the mandatory manual fire extinguishers. This precaution helps to limit the spread of fire before the arrival of emergency services.

Contact your water mist expert PROFOG

Video surveillance

Increase user safety with video surveillance

Tunnels are confined spaces where the risks of fire and other accidents have greater consequences than in open spaces. Therefore, it may be wise to install a video surveillance system. This system helps enhance the safety of passengers by quickly identifying any incidents or malfunctions and allowing for the fastest possible intervention.

Contact your DEF Sûreté video surveillance expert

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Fire safety in stations

The regulations

A mandatory fire safety system

Passenger stations fall under the category of Public Access Buildings (ERP) type GA. They are subject to the decree of December 24, 2007 and must implement a fire safety system (FSS) of category A (the highest level of requirement).

This must include automatic fire detectors, a control and signaling equipment (ECS) to manage the information provided by the detectors, as well as all the equipment necessary for ensuring the safety of individuals: evacuation (alarm, emergency exit), compartmentalization, and smoke extraction.

The specificities

Des spécificités incendie différentes selon chaque gare

Fire protection measures vary from one station to another. They differ, in particular, depending on whether the station is intended solely for passenger transit (protection of people) or whether it combines the transport of people and goods (protection of people and property).


Precise locations for fire detection

Appropriate automatic fire detectors (link to the expertise page) must be installed in the following areas:

  • Train stations of 1st category (+1500 people) and 2nd category (701 to 1500 people),
  • Underground stations,
  • High, medium, or significant risk areas (storage, boiler rooms, technical rooms…),
  • Passenger waiting areas,
  • Non-railway areas.

Contact your fire detection expert DEF

The general alarm

The general alarm to announce the evacuation

In order to facilitate the evacuation of passengers, the station must be equipped with an alarm system or a security sound system (SSS). The SSS can also serve as a comfort sound system for announcements related to the station’s activities.

Smoke extraction

Evacuate fumes with a ventilation system

Smoke extraction is mandatory in all railway operation areas where passengers are stationed. This solution helps to evacuate smoke and toxic gases, which can be fatal for passengers, and reduces visibility and the effectiveness of rescue teams.

Contact your smoke extraction expert DMF


Protecting yourself against malicious intent

Access control systems must be lockable without delay by the operator, which may lead to the establishment of a Centralized Emergency Exit Management Unit (UGCIS). This system thus allows for daily access control to the station while ensuring the evacuation of the public in case of danger.

Contact your DEF Security expert

Contact your Alligator emergency exit expert

Fire safety at airports

No specific regulations on fire safety

In France, there is no specific regulation for airports. As they are designed to welcome passengers before their boarding or after their disembarkation, they are considered as Public Reception Establishments (ERP) and are subject to the provisions of Article R.123-20 of the Construction and Housing Code.

Fire detection imposed

The international agreements of the ICAO require the installation of automatic detectors in all buildings, and especially the intervention of firefighters at all points of the airport within two minutes after the detection of a fire.

Contact your fire detection expert

Mandatory maintenance for all installations

Regardless of the size of the security system and the nature of the building, equipment maintenance is mandatory. It must be performed once or twice a year by a certified organization.

Contact your DEF maintenance expert

This thorough inspection of all equipment has a dual purpose:

  • To ensure that the system is functional
  • To maintain the equipment so that it lasts longer

Train your teams to use systems better

The training of your teams in safety and health procedures, regulations, and equipment usage is strongly recommended. It allows you to gain autonomy in your fire safety system, intervene as soon as an incident occurs to protect people and make full use of all the functionalities of your fire safety system.

Contact your training expert OFC

DEF TTD, your Réseau DEF expert in Transport

Transport, and more specifically transit areas such as tunnels, stations and airports, require the implementation of a very specific and comprehensive security system. This is why DEF Network has developed a specialized subsidiary: DEF TTD (Transport, Telecom, Defense) which has already worked on numerous projects including the Channel Tunnel.

DEF TTD supports you throughout every stage of your fire safety project, from audits to system maintenance, equipment sizing, and installation. You’ll be in contact with a single point of contact, who is responsible for overseeing all assessments transparently.

Réseau DEF, at your side for your fire safety projects

For over 60 years, Réseau DEF has supported the transportation sector in their fire safety projects, both simple and complex. We work from risk analysis to system implementation and maintenance.
The network’s 60+ companies are all experts in a specific area of ​​fire safety and work together to offer you comprehensive solutions tailored to your sector of activity and your projects. Discover the experts in your country