Fire safety for
the oil & gas sector

Fire safety in the oil and gas sector requires a comprehensive and integrated approach, including early risk detection, effective extinguishing systems, emergency response plans, and rigorous personnel training. Safety measures must be tailored to the specifics of each facility to minimize risks and ensure the protection of workers, facilities, and the environment.

Many structures concerned

The fire/explosion risks are high in the oil and gas sector. They particularly concern:

  • onshore and offshore drilling platforms,
  • production units (FPSO),
  • oil refineries,
  • distilleries,
  • petrochemical plants,
  • gas treatment units,
  • storage terminals and depots,
  • distribution and filling stations,
  • compression stations and transport networks,
  • liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations,
  • maritime transport facilities (tankers, terminals, ports)

High fire/explosion risks

Fire safety in the oil and gas industry is crucial due to the high risks associated with the extraction, processing, storage, and distribution of flammable and explosive products.

Several risks are identified:

  • leaks/explosions of toxic gases,
  • leaks of hydrocarbons or other flammable liquids,
  • chemical leaks,
  • fires due to drilling equipment,
  • electrical fires,
  • fires in processing units (cracking, distillation),
  • fires and explosions due to chemical reactions,
  • fires in product storage tanks,
  • fires in compressors,
  • pipeline explosions,
  • fires in liquefaction or regasification units.

French, European, and International Regulations

The regulations in force concerning fire risks in the oil and gas sector are established at different levels – national (France), European, and international – to ensure the safety of installations and workers (see list below). It should also be noted that specific regulations for operators (Total, Shell, etc.) and insurers must also be adhered to.

Regulations in France

  • Labor Code — Articles R4227-1 to R4227-41: Imposes obligations on employers for fire risk prevention, including risk assessments, employee training, and the installation of fire safety systems.
  • Order of October 4, 2010, specific to liquid hydrocarbon storage installations and the order of May 10, 2000, concerning fire safety rules for flammable liquid depots.
  • Environmental Code – Book V: Prevention of pollution, risks, and nuisances, especially for classified installations.
  • APSAD R7 rules concern fire detection.
  • NF Standards
  • UL and FM Standards

European Regulations

  • SEVESO III Directive (Directive 2012/18/EU)
  • ATEX Directive (Explosive Atmospheres) 1999/92/EC and 2014/34/EU
  • EN54 Standard

International Regulations

  • International Maritime Organization (IMO) Standards – SOLAS Convention (Safety of Life at Sea) on fire safety regulations for oil tankers.
  • ISO Standards (International Organization for Standardization) 13702 and 19353
  • NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 30, 59A, and NFPA 72
  • SIL Standard
  • IECEX Certification

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Fire safety devices in the oil and gas sector


Fire detection in Oil & Gas structures is crucial due to the high risks of fire and explosion. Fire detection systems enable the rapid and safe evacuation of employees and a swift response from emergency teams. They also help minimize material losses, particularly costly equipment. In the case of oil and gas structures, they reduce environmental impacts. Early fire detection also reduces production downtime.

The most commonly implemented systems in this sector are:

  • smoke detectors suitable for enclosed spaces such as offices, control rooms, and some storage areas.
  • heat detectors, used in areas with the presence of vapors or dust.
  • flame detectors, essential in high-risk areas such as flammable liquid storage areas, processing units, and drilling platforms.
  • gas detectors, essential in areas where gas leaks may occur, such as compressor stations, refineries, and gas treatment facilities.

Contact your fire detection expert DEF

sound system

In addition to the audible and visual alarm, a security public address system provides immediate alerts in the event of a fire or gas leak, ensuring a rapid response and evacuation of all personnel.

Learn more about our expert security public address brand, BOUYER


Two fire suppression systems can be used in oil and gas structures:

  • Water mist fire suppression (Water Mist)
    This system uses fine water droplets to absorb heat and reduce oxygen around the flames. It is suitable for generators and rotating machines.

Discover your water mist expert PROFOG

  • Gas fire suppression
    This system is used for rooms with electrical equipment and processing units.

Discover your gas suppression expert DEF


Oil and gas industries must ensure that their equipment operates at optimal capacity, ensuring a quick and effective response in the event of a fire.

An annual preventive and corrective maintenance must therefore be carried out to detect and fix issues before they become major problems.

Discover your maintenance expert DEF


The training of staff allows for better control of the situation before the arrival of emergency services and raises awareness of the various fire/explosion risks that may occur.

These training sessions indicate the best practices and emergency procedures to adopt. They also help with the proper handling of the operation of installed fire safety systems.

Contact your OFC training expert

Réseau DEF, by your side for your fire safety projects

For over 60 years, Réseau DEF has been supporting the oil and gas industry sector in their fire safety projects, whether simple or complex. We are involved from risk analysis to the implementation and maintenance of systems.

The 60+ companies in the Network are all experts in a specific area of fire safety and work hand in hand to offer you complete solutions tailored to your industry and projects. Discover the experts in your country