France, Europe
Security public address system
Bouyer is the expert brand in security sound systems. BOUYER broadcasts the right message, in the right place, at the right time and in an audible way, to ensure the smooth running of your establishment, by informing and protecting people. Public address systems, connected to your fire safety systems, broadcast messages and alerts for evacuation in the event of an emergency.
Over 90 years of experience
The DEF Network’s recognised brand for security PA systems, Bouyer draws on its historical expertise in professional sound systems and its Research & Development policy to offer innovative solutions. With activity in more than 65 countries, Bouyer will support you at every stage of your project: from the design phase through to commissioning and maintenance of the systems, which are guaranteed to comply with French and European standards.
Contact us
</1270, Avenue de Toulouse – 82000 Montauban (France)
Tel (+33) 5 63 21 30 30
Our certifications
- EN 54-16
- EN 54-24
- EN 54-4
- ISO 9001: 2015 – Quality management systems
Our sectors of activity
- Commerce: shopping malls, boutiques, restaurants
- Culture and leisure: sports complexes, swimming pools, campsites
- Education: primary and secondary schools
- Industry
- Transport
- Local authorities
- Places of worship
- Defence – Security
- Nuclear power plants
- Marine