DEF West Africa
Côte d’Ivoire, Afrique
Fire detection, Temporary detection, Gas detection,
Mechanical smoke extraction, Security public address system, Emergency exits,
Gas extinguishing, Water extinguishing, Supervision - Digital service,
Project, Maintenance, Training
DEF AO is your expert in fire safety systems in West Africa. The company is based in Côte d'Ivoire and offers tailor-made fire safety solutions to save lives and protect property, whatever the type and complexity of the project.
Over 15 years of experience
DEF AO is DEF Network’s African fire safety expert. We offer DEF products, renowned for their quality and reliability in detecting, warning about and extinguishing fires. Our products are specially adapted to the African market. Drawing on our expertise and our technical and technological resources, we offer a wide range of innovative solutions, perfectly tailored to the needs of each site. In addition to the equipment, our team is ready to listen to your needs, guaranteeing turnkey solutions and peace of mind for your installations.
Contact us
DEF West Africa
Cocody, Riviera M’Badon, Lots 575/577 – Ilot 69, 01, BP 5148 ABIDJAN 01, Côte d’Ivoire.
Tel (+225) 21 35 05 00
Our certifications
- ISO 9001
- Office National de la Protection Civile (National Office for Civil Protection) (ONPC)
Our business sectors
- Culture and prestige
- Education
- Administrative
- Commerce and services
- Health
- Sensitive sites