DEF International Operations
Electronic security, Fire detection, Temporary detection,
Gas detection, Security public address system, Water extinguishing,
Project, Maintenance, Training
DEF Opérations internationales is your fire safety expert on every continent. It offers solutions tailored to the needs of each country.
Over 40 years of international experience
DEF DOI (Directorate of International Operations) is DEF Network’s international fire safety expert. It operates worldwide (excluding countries covered by DEF Network companies based outside France). DEF DOI relies on a network of qualified local partners. Our solutions are based on DEF products, recognised for their quality and reliability in detecting fires, bringing people to safety and extinguishing the first signs of a fire. We offer local services to support you before, during and after the completion of your project. Our offer is suited to export projects of any complexity.
Our solutions comply with international standards and meet the highest expectations of customers in the industrial, oil & gas and tertiary sectors.
Contact us
DEF DOI (International operations)
39 rue du Saule Trapu (building 39)
91300 Massy – France
Tel (+33) 1 60 13 81 66