DEF Transport Telecom Defence
France, Europe
Fire detection, Temporary detection, Gas detection,
Security public address system, Gas extinguishing, Water extinguishing,
Supervision - Digital service, Project, Maintenance,
DEF TTD is your expert in fire safety systems for transport, data centres and defence. The company offers a complete range of solutions to protect different infrastructures from the specific fire risks of these sectors.
360° expertise in fire safety
DEF TTD is DEF Network’s expert in fire safety for transport infrastructure, data centres and defence.
We offer you tailor-made solutions, Our expertise includes the study, design, manufacture, installation and monitoring of the equipment installed. Our range of innovative products can be adapted to specific site regulations.
Our state-of-the-art solution incorporates DEF brand equipment and personalised support throughout all phases of your project to adapt to the specific features of your installations.
Contact us
PA du moulin de Massy, 15 rue du Saule Trapu, 91300 MASSY
Tel (+33) 1 60 19 89 11
Web: defonline.com
Our certifications
- ISO 14001, 9001, 45001
- NF
Our sectors of activity
- Sensitive sites: airports, data centres, military sites, industrial sites…
- Transport: port areas, trains, stations, aeronautical worksites…
- Defence: ministries, military bases…