Extinctium B.V.
Fire detection, Temporary detection, Gas detection,
Gas extinguishing, Water extinguishing, Project,
Extinctium BV is your expert in automatic gas extinguishing systems in the Netherlands. The company protects buildings, spaces and property from fire risks thanks to its gas extinguishing solution. This solution ensures rapid, effective extinguishing without damaging property.
Over 14 years of experience
Extinctium B.V. is the DEF Network’s Dutch expert in gas extinguishing. We design and manufacture innovative, certified products to meet your security needs. Our wide range of inert gas, inhibitor or CO2 extinguishing systems can be adapted to the characteristics of your buildings.
Contact us
Extinctium B.V
Euroweg 4, 2988 CM Ridderkerk The Netherlands
Tel (+31) 1 80 65 62 80
Our certifications
- NEN-EN ISO9001:2015
- VCA** 2017/6.0
- CIBV CCV BMI Fire Detection Installation Company
- CIBV CCV BMI Fire Detection Maintenance Company
- CIBV Gas Extinguishing Installation and Maintenance Company
- CIBV Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations
Our sectors of activity
- Data centers
- Education
- Industry
- Commerce and services
- Office and administrative buildings