OFC: Customer training organisation
France, Europe
OFC is your expert in fire safety and occupational health training. The aim is to give you greater autonomy and safety, while ensuring that you meet regulatory requirements.
Over 16 years of experience in fire safety training
OFC has been the DEF Network’s training organisation since 2008. It responds to requests for Fire Safety-related training from all brands. Our team of expert trainers operates nationally and internationally. It provides the knowledge and skills essential for the effective management of fire safety installations.
With our training courses, you’ll be in compliance with regulatory requirements in terms of fire training.
Contact us
9 rue du Saule Trapu – BP 211
91882 MASSY Cedex
Tél (+ 33) 1 60 92 75 23
Our training courses are QUALIOPI certified. We offer four types of training:
- Fire technical training
- Regulatory training
- Occupational health and safety training