France, Europe
Fire detection
SEFI is your French manufacturer of fire safety control units. Based at the DEF network production site in Pithiviers (45), SEFI has been designing and manufacturing fire safety control units since 1973. The aim is to connect your detection, extinguishing and emergency equipment to a fire control centre so that you can act effectively and in a coordinated way in the event of a fire.
Products/systems at the cutting edge of technology
Our highly qualified teams design and manufacture the latest generation products, as well as our older models, to meet all requirements. The industrial site uses state-of-the-art equipment to offer products and systems that comply with the regulations in force in each country. We are involved from design to recycling.
Contact us
782 rue Duhamel du Monceau – ZA de la Guinette – BP 10809 DADONVILLE – 45300 PITHIVIERS
Our activities
- Research and Development
- Production
- After-sales service
- Support services
- Training
Our products
- Control and signalling equipment (CSE), which communicates with fire detectors and signals alarms and anomalies.
- Fire safety control centres (CMSI), which evacuate employees/visitors and control the DAS (actuated safety devices)
- Managing emergency exits to evacuate people
- DECT (Electric Control and Delay Device) which manages extinguishing systems
- Safety power supplies, which ensure battery autonomy in the event of a power cut.