Your fire safety projects from A to Z

Whether you're planning to build or renovate your buildings, DEF Network can help you every step of the way: from identifying your needs to migrating your systems, including installation and maintenance.

Our priority is to support you at every stage of your project, whether simple or complex

Think about the project as far upstream as possible

The earlier the fire safety expert is involved in the project, the better he can anticipate risks and optimise services.

  • Analysis of risks in relation to premises and activity,
  • Consideration of current regulations in relation to the nature of the building (public building, industry, high-rise building, tertiary, etc.),
  • Scaling of the solution: estimating the number of pieces of equipment needed and the appropriate technology to protect areas at risk.
  • Design and installation

    The DEF Network manufactures its own equipment at one of its 13 industrial sites. This in-house approach ensures complete control of the equipment throughout its life cycle.

    Installation and commissioning must be carried out by a certified company capable of complying with installation standards and guidelines.

  • Training for optimal use

    As well as being a regulatory requirement, staff training ensures that facilities are used correctly, so as to protect people and property as effectively as possible. It is carried out after the equipment has been commissioned and may be subject to certification.
    Find out more about our training courses

  • Signing of a maintenance contract

    Mandatory twice a year, maintenance enables systems to be checked and tested to ensure they are working properly at all times. A maintenance contract covers additional services such as on-call duty, telephone hotlines, monitoring of repairs, etc.
    Find out more about our maintenance services

  • Phased migration to avoid cessation of activity

    When equipment is obsolete, at the end of its useful life or no longer complies with the new regulations in force, it is necessary to migrate all or part of the system.

    Thanks to the upward and downward compatibility of DEF Network products, we can phase in all the work required to complete the migration. This means that the transition can be made without shutting down the business, while maintaining optimum levels of security.

DEF Network, your trusted expert partner

A single contact, a multi-skilled service

By calling on one of the companies in the DEF Network, a single contact will be responsible for liaising between you and all the expert companies likely to be involved in your project.

Risk analysis and support

Because fire safety helps save lives, we attach particular importance to risk analysis and our duty to advise. This duty of transparency, information and training applies at every stage of the project, and must be set out in writing and costed.

Compliance with standards and innovation

The fire safety professions are highly standardised and regulated. Within the DEF Network, we combine respect for the rules with a spirit of innovation thanks to our status as designer-manufacturer with a team of 130 R&D engineers/technicians and our 13 industrial sites.

DEF Network multi-expertise solution A global vision of fire safety for your project

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