Video surveillance

Video surveillance cameras guarantee the safety of property, buildings and people. They are being used more and more in response to the increase in attacks and malicious acts.

Video surveillance: a prevention tool
for the safety of your buildings

Multiple areas of application

Video surveillance involves capturing video images of a specific area using a network of one or more cameras.

The images are filmed permanently or at predefined times and are transmitted either live to viewing screens or to a central location where they are recorded and stored.

The system can be integrated into a more comprehensive hypervision system and enhanced with tools such as motion detection.

There are many reasons for installing a video surveillance system, depending on the objectives of each individual:

  • Instead of human surveillance
  • Intrusion or object movement detection
  • Access control means
  • Remote doubt removal in the event of an alarm
  • Assistance with investigations after an event (theft, accident, fire, etc.)

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Video surveillance for all sectors

Any company is free to install a video surveillance system on its premises.

This safety device is generally found in the following sectors:

    • OVIs (Operators of vital importance)
    • Aeronautics
    • Transport
    • Data and telecoms
    • Energy
    • Prestige and cultural buildings
    • Health
    • Teaching
    • Public buildings


Video protection or video surveillance?

The two terms refer to the same safety system. One or the other is used depending on where the cameras are installed.

The term “”video surveillance”” is used when cameras are installed in private premises, such as shop stocks, warehouses or offices.

The term “”video protection”” is used when the system is installed in a public place or a place open to the public without specific authorisation: a street, a railway station, a bank, a shopping area, etc.

What you need to know

Not compulsory but strongly recommended

The installation of a security system is not legally compulsory (with the exception of OVIs).

However, video surveillance remains one of the key elements in site protection. In fact, it is being used more and more frequently, following the increase in terrorist attacks, malicious acts and thefts.

The presence of cameras reassures employees who feel unsafe. It also deters intruders and offences.

Strict rules to follow

If you wish to install video surveillance cameras, you will need to take the necessary administrative steps to obtain authorisation for their installation and comply with certain standards to ensure that the privacy of those being filmed is not violated.

Examples of rules to follow:

  • Store images in a secure location maximum 30 days
  • Inform the persons concerned that they are being filmed and authorise them the right of access to the images
  • Explain the use of video surveillance by the safety of property and people

Les textes réglementaires à respecter

Video surveillance in your home in 4 steps

How are video surveillance cameras installed? Calling in a professional ensures that the system is installed in compliance with standards and meets your needs, thanks to a 4-stage methodology, from risk analysis to maintenance, including the development of the best solution.

  • Risk diagnosis and analysis

    Preliminary study of risks and requirements, including an analysis of the specific characteristics of the establishment, the threats to which it is exposed, the customer’s objectives, the areas to be monitored, etc.

  • Technical study and estimate

    Proposal of functional specifications. Choice of equipment adapted to the needs and resources available to exploit and process the data.

  • Installation

    Installation of the solution. Testing and commissioning. User training.

  • Maintenance

    Preventive and corrective maintenance. Remote or on-site troubleshooting.

DEF Sûreté, your DEF Network video surveillance expert

DEF Sûreté has specialised for over 30 years in the installation and maintenance of electronic security systems: supervision, access control, intrusion detection, video protection and comfort and security intercom systems.

DEF Sûreté holds APSAD R82 certification for the installation and maintenance of video surveillance systems, issued by AFNOR and CNPP. These certifications guarantee the conformity and quality of the company’s services.

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