Fire safety

Our DEFinition

Our vision of fire safety

More than a regulatory obligation,
fire safety is essential to save lives every day
and protect material assets.


For many years, fire safety has been a key component of all modern infrastructure.
Together, we, the companies of the Network, are committed to creating environments where regulations are respected, where risks are anticipated and analyzed, and where everyone is protected. We are aware that we are the guardians of your peace of mind, your lives, your most valuable possessions, and we play a role in environmental protection.


For us, fire safety is strategic in three aspects:

  • respond quickly in case of a fire outbreak and provide precious time for people to evacuate and stay alive.
  • protect the economic activity of companies by securing their investments, equipment, and stocks, and prevent financial losses or business closures.
  • act on reducing the environmental impact of fires, which release toxic fumes or pollutants into the atmosphere and destroy ecosystems.


We believe in the power of technology, which allows us to push the limits every day and prevent devastating catastrophes. Passionate about our profession, we work to continuously improve our systems and products, providing you with reliable, sustainable solutions tailored to each of your buildings.


We also believe that in our profession, human relationships are fundamental and that trust and close relationships are essential to jointly define the best solutions.

Why is fire safety so important?

Saving lives

The main reason why fire safety regulations are so strict is to protect lives in the event of an incident. The director of the establishment is responsible for the safety of the people he employs, welcomes or accommodates. In the event of any misfortune, especially if the regulatory measures are not complied with, they risk very serious penalties, including imprisonment.

Protecting your work tools

Insurers are increasingly requiring the companies they cover to install a fire safety system to ensure the safety of both people and property. Following a fire, 70% of companies close down because their work equipment is destroyed. If a fire safety system cannot prevent the outbreak of a fire, early detection combined with an effective extinguishing system can delay the arrival of the emergency services and limit the damage.

Protecting the environment

Fire safety helps to protect the environment. Fires release toxic smoke and pollutants into the atmosphere, affecting air quality and public health. The spread of fires can also lead to the destruction of ecosystems. By implementing fire prevention strategies such as securing electrical equipment, protecting stocks of flammable substances and managing waste, we are working together to reduce the environmental impact of fires.

Fire safety also reinforces corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies that adopt high levels of fire safety protection are demonstrating their commitment.

Complying with regulations

Fire safety systems are highly regulated, particularly in France. Compliance with these standards is a sine qua non condition for opening an establishment. A safety commission validates the design, construction and commissioning of fire safety systems before authorising a building to be used.

Une sécurité incendie qui s’adapte aux nouveaux risques

La sécurité incendie est particulièrement encadrée depuis une cinquantaine d’années en France comme à l’international avec des particularités par secteur d’activités.

On assiste aujourd’hui à la promulgation de nouveaux décrets afin d’améliorer les règlements et les adapter aux nouvelles problématiques.

De nouveaux défis voient le jour avec l’émergence de risques liés aux nouvelles technologies (batteries Lithium-ion, photovoltaïques, hydrogène, par exemple).
À la foi complexe et primordiale, la sécurité incendie nécessite de faire appel à des experts du secteur capables de vous guider sur l’ensemble des technologies possibles et d’avoir une vision globale de la sécurité incendie des projets.

The benefits of a global vision of fire safety for projects

Les projets de sécurité incendie sont tous différents selon leur contexte, les besoins et les spécifications de chaque bâtiment. Pour protéger leurs établissements, les responsables sécurité et leur bureau d’études fragmentent généralement les solutions de leurs projets sur plusieurs sociétés expertes dans un des domaines de la sécurité incendie : détection, désenfumage, sonorisation de sécurité, extinction, etc.

La gestion des projets devient complexe, les territoires de responsabilités pas toujours bien définies et les coûts peuvent se multiplier.

Réseau DEF défend l’idée qu’un Réseau d’experts de la sécurité incendie, travaillant en collaboration étroite, peut apporter une vision globale inédite de la sécurité incendie. Cette solution garantit une tranquillité d’esprit, une protection optimale et une gestion simplifiée.  Découvrons les avantages de cette approche intégrée et professionnelle !


A consistency in the solutions provided

All our expertise (detection, security, extinguishing, electronic security, etc.) is designed to be consistent with each other.


Fast, easy management.

You will be in contact with a single point of contact who will be responsible for orchestrating the various areas of expertise.  This simplifies the monitoring of your project and saves you a considerable amount of time.


A better definition of limits of responsibility

When several companies are involved in the same project, they blame each other on certain aspects of the project. By using a single partner, the limits of responsibility are more clearly defined. Project management is simplified.


Optimised management of your expenses

By using a single partner to manage your fire safety project, certain management costs are only incurred once.


A long-term collaboration

A single partner is able to offer you complete maintenance of your fire safety system over the long term, limiting problems of compatibility between different areas of expertise.


A consistency in the solutions provided

All our expertise (detection, security, extinguishing, electronic security, etc.) is designed to be consistent with each other.


Fast, easy management.

You will be in contact with a single point of contact who will be responsible for orchestrating the various areas of expertise.  This simplifies the monitoring of your project and saves you a considerable amount of time.


A better definition of limits of responsibility

When several companies are involved in the same project, they blame each other on certain aspects of the project. By using a single partner, the limits of responsibility are more clearly defined. Project management is simplified.


Optimised management of your expenses

By using a single partner to manage your fire safety project, certain management costs are only incurred once.


A long-term collaboration

A single partner is able to offer you complete maintenance of your fire safety system over the long term, limiting problems of compatibility between different areas of expertise.

Réseau DEF : specific or global expert solutions

All the companies in Réseau DEF assist you to provide you with expert, tailor-made solutions..
Whether you need specific expertise or a more global vision of fire safety for your projects, you’ll always find solutions tailored to your needs.