Fire safety
in healthcare establishments

Housing people with reduced mobility who cannot easily evacuate the premises in the event of a fire, healthcare establishments (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.) must adopt an appropriate fire safety strategy to protect them.

Establishments under high surveillance

As type U public buildings, hospitals are subject to compulsory inspections every three years by the safety commission.

The inspection takes into account the provisions detailed in the orders of 25 June 1980 and 10 December 2004. This requires a category A fire safety system (the highest level of risk) and compliance with current standards in all establishments with sleeping accommodation.

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Patient Evacuation, A Priority

The main focus regarding fire safety in a healthcare facility is the evacuation of occupants. Indeed, some patients are unable to save themselves and must be rescued. The following systems are therefore made mandatory by the decrees mentioned above.

  • Early fire and smoke detection
    Automatic fire detectors (link to related expertise page) must be installed in all rooms and circulation areas, except for staircases and restrooms.
    When renovating buildings or carrying out other works, a temporary detection system can be installed. This system replaces the existing detection system disconnected due to dust generated during construction work.

Contact your fire detection expert DEF

  • Alert without alarming
    To prevent increasing stress among vulnerable residents, fire alarms are replaced by specific sirens for staff. When these sound, staff must implement the evacuation procedures established for the facility.
  • Create safety zones
    Compartmentalization involves subdividing a building into several zones using fire doors to prevent the spread of fire. In hospitals, each floor must be subdivided into at least two compartments. In the event of a fire, patients can then be evacuated from one zone to another without leaving the building.
  • Evacuate smoke and toxic gases
    Thanks to Contact your smoke extraction expert DMF

    • Train the staff
      Staff plays a crucial role in fire safety within healthcare facilities. They must be trained to follow evacuation instructions and trained to operate fire extinguishing equipment.

    Contact your training expert OFC

    • Verify the proper functioning of systems and equipment
      Maintenance of fire safety systems is mandatory once or twice a year depending on the equipment. This verification ensures that the equipment is functioning properly at all times and maintains its durability.

    Contact your maintenance expert

The mandatory operating support unit

In certain public buildings (such as health establishments) with more than 2,000 occupants, it is compulsory to install an Operations Assistance Unit (OAU). Installed at the security control centre, this supervision tool enables increased monitoring of fire safety equipment throughout the establishment, so that action can be taken as quickly as possible in the event of danger. This vigilance is all the more important in the case of a healthcare establishment, as patients are fragile individuals whose movements and sources of stress must be limited.

Emergency exit management in addition to ensure patient safety

If emergency exits allow for the evacuation of people in the premises in case of fire, they pose a danger (risk of escapes or accidents) in all other situations. A centralized management of these exits ensures that the doors are properly closed and alerts the medical staff in the event of an escape attempt.

In the case of a maternity ward, locking emergency exits also helps protect occupants, particularly by preventing the theft of newborns. Malicious individuals cannot escape through the emergency exits.

Contact your emergency exit expert ALLIGATOR

Building safety, a recent issue

With the increase in terrorist and criminal acts, healthcare facilities are increasingly becoming victims of violence and incivility. In accordance with the decree of October 6, 2016 and the ministerial instruction of November 4, 2016, all healthcare facilities are required to develop a security plan (PSE).

This plan includes, among other things, building security concerns such as video surveillance and access control.

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Other Solutions Specific to the Medical Field

Apart from the standards and regulations, there are other fire safety solutions to address risks not covered by the legal texts. These installations are implemented at the request of the head of the facility.

Réseau DEF, at your side for your fire safety projects

For over 60 years, the DEF Network has been supporting numerous healthcare facilities in their fire safety projects, whether simple or complex. We intervene from risk analysis to the implementation and maintenance of systems.
The 60+ companies within the Network are all experts in a specific area of fire safety and work hand-in-hand to provide you with complete solutions tailored to your industry and projects. Discover the experts in your country