Fire safety
in the marine

Unable to benefit from external assistance, a submarine, ship, or offshore platform must be equipped with an autonomous fire safety system. The goal is to be able to quickly respond to any risk of fire or explosion to prevent the destruction of the vessel and its occupants.

Fire safety in submarines

Tools for sailors

Submarines are not subject to specific fire safety standards, but to customer requirements regarding system operation, reliability, and cybersecurity.

Since onboard personnel are trained to remain calm in the event of a fire, the fire safety system consists of providing them with the right tools to early detect a fire and quickly overcome it.

Electrical risk

Between the hydrocarbon-fueled engines and the onboard munitions, there are numerous fire risks. However, the main fire risk in a submarine is electrical.

To combat this risk, the main tools are automatic detection to quickly locate the source of the fire and automatic extinguishing to extinguish it before it causes significant damage.

Here are the most commonly used technologies:

  • Smoke, heat, and flame detection in all rooms with an addressable central unit
  • Automatic gas extinguishing with CO2 for electrical cabinets and inert gas for areas with human presence.
  • Specific extinguishing for kitchens and heat hazards.
  • Automatic low-pressure water mist extinguishing (link to expertise page) in all other areas.

Combined with these technologies, href=””>video surveillance helps resolve doubts in the event of an alarm or heat hazard.

Contact your DEF gas detection and extinguishing expert

Contact your PROFOG water extinguishing expert

Les agressions extérieures

Another risk is linked to external attacks (such as mines and torpedoes). To combat this problem, the equipment must be adapted, particularly with shock resistance.

Furthermore, it is necessary to provide multiple systems to cover different security zones independently (one central unit at the front and one central unit at the rear, for example). This is to ensure the aircraft remains secure even if part of it has been detached.


As wastewater is stored in tanks awaiting treatment, it produces hydrogen sulfide, which can be fatal to humans. A gas detection system is therefore necessary to prevent dangerous leaks.

Contact your DEF gas detection expert

The particularities

  • Since submarines have limited space to integrate everything on board, fire safety equipment must be miniaturized. The sizing of the solution is also determined based on the available space.
  • Submarines are vessels designed to last a very long time. Onboard solutions must therefore have a lifespan of 30 to 40 years. maintenance and system migration to address obsolescence are therefore a priority.

Contact your DEF maintenance expert

Specific fire safety solutions for the navy Discover DEF Marine solutions

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Fire safety on boats

Regulations vary depending on the nature of the vessels.

For example:

  • French military ships are subject to the S CAT 12 103 installation rule drafted by the DGA and/or the NR 483 rule
  • Pleasure or cruise boats follow various standards depending on their classification or flag
  • As a general rule, surface vessels refer to the IMO rules and the MED product certifications

As with submarines, sailors generally have firefighter training. The fire safety system is designed to provide them with the tools to detect and combat a developing fire.


Automatic detection

Boats must be equipped with automatic detectors for smoke, heat, and flames, with their density calculated based on the activity of the room (sleeping, office, etc.).

Temperature measurement helps in decision-making in case of fire. For example, depending on the temperature inside a room, it will be possible to determine whether to intervene or not.


Gas detection

As with submarines, automatic gas detectors are required to monitor the level of hydrogen sulfide from wastewater stored in so-called “black water” tanks.


The fire alarm

A security public address system can be installed on board, linked to a Public Address System.

Contact your Bouyer public address expert


Automatic shutdown

On a boat, there’s just as much fear of fire as there is of water that could sink the vessel. This is why extinguishing with water mist is recommended.

Contact your PROFOG water mist expert

Fire safety on offshore wind platforms

On offshore wind power platforms, the primary risk is electrical. The fire safety system must be as automated as possible (automatic fire detection and automatic water mist extinguishing) to protect the equipment when there is no one on site.

A security sound system and gas detectors must be installed to protect the teams during maintenance periods on the platform.

DEF Marine, your expert specializing in marine fire safety

Submarines, ships, and offshore platforms require the installation of a comprehensive fire safety system, but above all, one that is adapted to their specific needs (small size, on-board electrical equipment, geographical location, etc.). This is why Réseau DEF has created its own specialized subsidiary, DEF Marine.

As a designer and manufacturer of specialized solutions for marine vessels, DEF Marine is committed to providing durable and comprehensive systems for decades to come. We support you on all your fire safety projects with a single point of contact.

Réseau DEF, at your side for your fire safety projects

For over 60 years, Réseau DEF has supported the marine sector in their fire safety projects, both simple and complex. We work from risk analysis to system implementation and maintenance.
The network’s 60+ companies are all experts in a specific area of ​​fire safety and work together to offer you comprehensive solutions tailored to your sector of activity and your projects. Discover the experts in your country